Category: _Kraken Resources

  • Sample press release for a local newspaper

    Anytown Construction Ltd20 Grove Road, Anytown TZ10 5ZT Tel 01234 567890email 01234 098765 Press release 01/09/10 Anytown firm builds business on email Anytown Construction is using a new email and telephone system to tackle the problem of contacting your builder whilst a job is in progress. Anytown Construction is handing out a special email address…

  • Current tribunal compensation limits

    The following table lists the different tribunal compensation awards and recent changes to their limits. Tribunal compensation limits   From 1 February 2011 From 1 February 2012 Maximum basic award for unfair dismissal (30 weeks’ pay, subject to the limit on a week’s pay) £12,000 £12,900 Minimum additional award for failure to comply with a…

  • SWOT Analysis – Understanding Your Business

    SWOT Analysis – Understanding Your Business

    It has always been important for a business to know and understand how it fits in and interacts with the surrounding environment on both an internal (office/factory/shop environment) and external view (how your business operates with the outside world). Researching your environment will benefit you and/or your management team by putting you in a position…

  • Self-employment: checklist

    Self-employment: checklist

    Why become self-employed There is encouragement from the government for people to become self-employed and at first it seems attractive, especially if you have recently become unemployed or redundant. Although one of the main attractions of becoming self-employed is no longer having to work for somebody else there are several disadvantages you should consider. These…

  • An illustration of the impact of the new order on XYZ’s cashflow

    XYZ Trading typical cashflow before receipt of the new order Numbers show what actually happened    July £000   July £000 August £000  August £000 Sept £000  Sept £000 Receipts              Receipts from customers 15  14 15  9 20  7 Loan                  15 14 15 …

  • Example Version Control Document

    Example Version Control Document

    For your ISO certification you need to have a number of documents that detail how you or your staff should complete your everyday work. A version control document allows you to track any changes you have made to your work processes. These documents should be updated at regular intervals – eg whenever you create a…

  • QMS project plan template

    Before you apply for certification, you should consider who you want on your project team. Your ISO-certification team is particularly important as they will be responsible for getting your Quality Management System (QMS) ready for certification and ensuring that the rest of your staff understand how to use the new QMS. You should also set…

  • Example key processes master list

    A key processes list allows you to break up your working processes into smaller steps. This can help you to understand areas of your work or business that can be made more efficient, or help you to explain your business processes to potential clients or new starters. Your key business processes are usually – but…

  • The legal position regarding monitoring and good-practice pointers

    Legal position Good practice pointers Link to further information Race Includes ethnicity, ethnic origin, national origin and colour. Legal requirement for public bodies to monitor ethnicity. • Do your employees know why you are asking them about ethnicity?• Have you explained what you mean by ‘ethnicity’? See the page in the guide on discrimination on…

  • Automatically unfair reasons for dismissal

    The tribunal will hold the dismissal of an employee to be unfair if they are dismissed or selected for redundancy: A dismissal will also be unfair where the employee was dismissed: For all these dismissals, the employee can bring an unfair dismissal claim to a tribunal from the start of their employment, ie they do…

  • Create a written statement of employment

    Create a written statement of employment

    A written statement of employment must be issued not later than two months after they begin their employment. If you have already provided a written contract of employment or letter of engagement containing all of the items required in this statement, there is no need for a statement to be provided as well. Employers who issue written…

  • SWOT Analysis – Opportunities and Threats

    SWOT Analysis – Opportunities and Threats

    Opportunities Keeping in mind what you have listed as your Company Strengths, SWOT Analysis can now influence the Opportunities for the business. These can be seen as targets to achieve and exploit in the future for example: Threats The final part of the analysis will also be seen as the most feared- the Threats. It…