Category: Working Time
Employing part-time workers
Employing part-time workers can be an efficient way to keep costs down in areas where you don’t need full-time cover. It can also mean that you are able to attract a wide range of people to fill vacancies and build in flexibility so that you can respond to changes in demand and develop your business.…
Hours, rest breaks and the working week
This guide will help you understand the maximum hours your employees can work and what rest breaks and rest periods you must offer them. It explains the special rules that apply to young workers, when your workers can agree to waive or vary the rules, and the sectors that are exempt. Working hours in a week…
Sunday working and night working
If you employ people to work for you at night, you need to know about the additional regulations covering the hours they are allowed to work, the minimum age of workers and health and safety issues. Anyone running a shop or betting business that is open on a Sunday needs to be familiar with the…
Flexible working – the law and best practice
Employees have the right to request flexible working, and you have a legal duty to give it serious consideration. This guide details the law surrounding flexible working requests, the eligibility criteria and how to respond to a flexible working application. The right to request flexible working – the eligibility criteria Certain employees have the statutory…