Category: Setting A Vision For Growth
Make best use of standards
Standards can help you ensure your products, services or business systems meet fixed specifications or quality benchmarks. Their use is voluntary, but can bring a range of business benefits. They can help you: This guide sets out what standards are and how they can benefit your business. It also covers the management system standards that can…
Assess your options for growth
It is important to evaluate whether you want to consolidate your business’ position or find ways to grow. If you decide that your priority is growth, you need to plan carefully in order to succeed. Growth has its risks, but the right strategy can deliver stability, security and long-term profits. Once you have assessed your…
Prepare a business plan for growth
Planning is key to any business throughout its existence. Every successful business regularly reviews its business plan to ensure it continues to meet its needs and responds to variations in the market, the economy, its customer base, etc. It’s sensible to review your current performance on a regular basis and identify the most likely strategies…
Quality management standards
Customer satisfaction is essential for any business. Working to recognised quality management standards can help you to meet customer expectations and ensure a benchmark for your product or service. Quality management standards provide a framework for a business to manage its processes and activities. They can help you improve efficiency by providing a best practice…